About us
For the history of our department a formal reference point is 1978 , when as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Wave Processes in the Physics Department of Moscow State University have two new departments : General Physics and Wave Processes ( OFVP ) and our department (up to 2001 - quantum physics, in 2001 renamed the Department of Quantum Electronics).
But our research and teaching traditions date back to 1965 - 1977 years - a time when Academician RV Khokhlov at the Department of wave processes created the national school of nonlinear optics.
In 1978 - 2000 years the department was headed by Academician L. Keldysh . Since 2001, the head of the department is Prof. V. Panov . The department has 8 doctors and 14 candidates of Sci. Science. For a quarter century, the Department graduated more than 300 students and about 100 graduate students.
Presented below are the report materials on the scientific and educational activities of the department (2012 — 2016).
Файлы для загрузки
Доклад о научно-педагогической деятельности кафедры 2017 — 2021 гг. (презентация)pdf, 4.18 MB
Доклад о научно-педагогической деятельности кафедры 2017 — 2021 гг.pdf, 400.67 KB
Department report (2012 — 2016 гг.), presentationpdf, 4.71 MB
Department report (2012 — 2016 гг.), textpdf, 385.22 KB
Кафедральная газета 2023 г.pdf, 8.87 MB